Diesel Free Neighborhoods
Recording and Other Resources from the March 26 Panel & Leadership Team Conversation Recording 26Mar22 Diesel Free NS mtg.mp4 You may need to unzip this file; Google will walk you
We are ending toxic air pollution, prioritizing the heavily impacted front-line communities.
Up to 3,000 people in the Bay Area die prematurely every year due to particulate matter.
Stanford Study Tweet
Every step of the supply chain adds dangerous pollutants, which kill and cause chronic health issues. Our work – speeding the transition to clean energy, transportation and buildings while ushering in the end of the fossil fuel era – results in dramatically cleaner air. As 350 Bay Area works to reduce emissions locally and beyond, our work prioritizes the heavily impacted front-line communities.
In July 2021 the Air District Board voted in favor of rule 6-5, the rule requiring refineries to clean up their air pollution. The rule will likely require the Chevron Richmond and PBF refineries to install “wet gas scrubbing” technology on their worst polluting units. This technology is already in widespread use at a majority of refineries across the country – and now finally the Bay Area as well. This is a BIG deal and many activists have worked hard to make this happen. It’s been a years’ long coalition effort, but organizing works. The health and environmental justice arguments and dogged appeals to each board member (finally) paid off.
Recording and Other Resources from the March 26 Panel & Leadership Team Conversation Recording 26Mar22 Diesel Free NS mtg.mp4 You may need to unzip this file; Google will walk you
There’s an opportunity to decarbonize the buildings we live in — with huge potential impacts for our climate. Don’t be fooled by the word “natural” in its name: Natural gas
December 16th, 2020 was the first time air pollution was listed on a death certificate. Seven years after 9-year-old Londoner Ella-Kissi-Debrah’s death, a coroner ruled that her fatal asthma attack