About Us

We are 350 Bay Area.

We are here for justice. The climate crisis magnifies systemic injustices: racial, economic and environmental. We mobilize people as climate activists, building the civic engagement & advocacy that are essential to solve the climate crisis. We organize, demonstrate, lobby, and educate, pushing policymakers to meet the urgency of the climate emergency.

Our mission: build a grassroots climate movement in the Bay Area and beyond to eliminate carbon pollution and achieve a clean energy future with racial, economic, and environmental justice.

Rooted in our Platform

End toxic air pollution, prioritizing the heavily impacted front-line communities

Ensure resilient, safe, affordable clean energy - and clean energy jobs

Create a fast transition to healthy, clean-energy buildings

Speed the shift to carbon-free, affordable, safe and accessible mobility for everyone

Accelerate the fossil fuel end game and achieve a just transition

Our Values

To move towards our goals, our work identifies and promotes policies that:

How we do our work:


Press / Urgent

Press, please contact Laura Neish, 350 Bay Area’s Executive Director by emailing: laura@350bayarea.org.

You are also welcome to call us for interviews at 510-473-5490.


Grantmakers, please send RFPs to Laura Neish, 350 Bay Area’s Executive Director by emailing: laura@350bayarea.org.

You are also welcome to call us at 510-473-5490

See 350 Bay Area’s 990 and Gold Seal of Transparency on Guidestar here.

Our EIN: 47-2407547

Mailing Address

Organizational and donation mailing address:

350 Bay Area
PO Box 18762
Oakland, CA 94619

Email / Social

Send feedback and inquiries to info@350bayarea.org

Follow us on social!
Facebook: @350BayArea
Twitter: @350BayArea
Instagram: @350BayArea
LinkedIn: 350 Bay Area
Youtube: 350 Bay Area

Climate Speakers

To book a Climate Speaker or to become a Skilled Climate Speaker, contact:

Jan, the Speakers’ Bureau Coordinator at info@350bayarea.org

News & Updates

Militarism and Climate

The justifiably-heralded Inflation Reduction Act provides about $35 billion per year for the next 10 years for climate actions.  Compare that to the $877 billion annual military budget & you can see that our priorities are at odds with our survival.

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