Help stop continuing efforts to undermine rooftop solar! Small rooftop and community solar projects help stabilize the grid, and are a critical component for California’s safe, clean, resilient, and affordable energy future – increasing rooftop solar benefits everyone on the grid! Energy utilities, like PG&E are (excessively) compensated for building out large transmission and distribution networks, so of course they are against these local systems, and they have lots of money to lobby the CPUC and our elected officials.
Tomorrow (Thursday), the CA Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is going to vote on a new calculation method that grossly undercounts the value of rooftop and other small, local solar projects, which will ripple through the system and skew the CPUC’s net metering ruling, making it costly for people to install their own solar.
Please Take Action!
Can you write a comment and/or call in to the CPUC meeting tomorrow by 10am? Reference “Draft Resolution 5150“.
Simple Talking Points
1. The CPUC is trying to jam through a major change without adequate time for ratepayers and community groups to evaluate the impacts and provide input. This is not in accordance with their own process guidelines.
2. The proposed changes would continue to erode the calculated value of small distributed rooftop and community solar systems, which are a critical part of speeding the transition to a 100% clean, resilient, safe grid providing affordable energy for everyone.
3. The changes appear to support the Investor Owned Utilities preference for large concentrated energy generation projects, requiring big new spending for transmission projects – resulting in big money in the Utilities’ pockets, and a more expensive, brittle grid for ratepayers.
Submit a written comment to the CPUC by June 24th telling them to pull back Resolution 5150 and remove the bias against rooftop solar. Two ways to comment:
- The easy way: submit a comment in one click
- The more advanced way: Follow this link and click on the “Add Public Comment” box.
Make a verbal comment online at CPUC’s June 24th meeting. Be sure to dial in by 10 a.m. Public comments are among the first things on the agenda. Dial 1-800-857-1917, passcode: 9899501 (to make a public comment during the public comment period, press *1). You can also watch the CPUC meeting at this website:, but you must also call in with your phone to make a public comment. Your comment must be limited to 2 minutes. If you experience difficulty calling into the Public Comment line, please send an email to or call (415) 703-5263.
For more detail about the specific proposed changes, click here.
Thanks for taking action and for being on the team!
Ken, Claire, Sahm, Laura and the 350 Bay Area Clean Energy Team