Every five years, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) creates a Scoping Plan, a roadmap of actions required to meet California’s climate goals. Unfortunately, the current proposed plan doesn’t ensure that California will meet its greenhouse gas reduction targets, which are set by state law. It also doesn’t address key Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC) recommendations, and fails to put California on a path to phase out fossil fuels equitably by 2045. 350 Bay Area joins many other allied groups in calling for a stronger Scoping Plan that is far more ambitious, addresses environmental injustice, and puts California on a path to reach real zero emissions! 350 Bay Area is sending a letter to Governor Newsom and CARB Chairperson Randolph asking them to step it up! Please add your name to 350 Bay Area’s letter to support these demands. Time is running out since CARB plans to release the final plan in mid-November. Can you add your name by November 10? Let’s join together to urge the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to include the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee’s (EJAC) recommendations in the final 2022 Scoping Plan. This is our last chance to push for an ambitious, equitable plan that pushes back on false solutions like carbon capture and storage. Please sign our our letter to Governor Newsom and CARB Chairperson Randolph! BACKGROUND: The draft Scoping Plan update was released by CARB in June 2022. It is the state’s 20-year climate blueprint laying out California’s broad climate actions, and is updated every five years to set strategies and actions for reducing our greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) 40% by 2030. It also identifies mid-point steps needed to reach carbon neutrality by 2045. 350 Bay Area has been working on influencing this plan for the last 18 months. Since the draft was issued, thousands of people have joined the environmental justice and climate community in demanding that the draft plan be revised. Please sign 350 Bay Area’s petition by November 10 and urge CARB to adopt a Scoping Plan that transitions California away from fossil fuels in all sectors to a renewable, environmentally just future. Thanks for standing up for climate justice! |