This is our chance. NOW is the time to end fossil fuel production and switch to a just, clean energy economy!


make a seed donation to 350 Bay Area TODAY – to start the fund drive STRONG once we go LIVE on 10/10.

350 Bay Area's Impact

Fossil fuel pollution and climate disasters are already threatening millions of lives. We need a world beyond fossil fuels: a world in which workers’ rights, community health, and our shared climate come before corporate profits. 350 Bay Area is front-and-center in raising awareness, and enacting local climate solutions. And we need your support!

Organizing works. California was the first state to ban the sale of gas-powered cars by 2035; now many states are expected to follow. Berkeley was the first city to ban methane gas in new construction, and now most cities in California have followed suit. The Bay Area is an economic and cultural powerhouse that is an exemplary model of climates solutions which are  adopted across the country and world.

We need your help. To achieve more at the speed and scale necessary to meet this moment, we need more people taking action, and more funding for this team. We have all the solutions that we need to curb climate change. What we have, and need more of, is the people power to demand these solutions NOW.


Community members taking action


Years of climate organizing

7.75 mil

Bay Area residents’ lives affected


Protests and rallies organized


Don't wait! Please donate TODAY to help eliminate fossil fuels as quickly as possible with 350 Bay Area.