350Marin Monthly Meeting 350Marin volunteers meet online at 5:00pm on the first Tuesday of the month. Join in to become more active in Marin! Please RSVP below for a meeting link, or contact us at info@350marin.org for more information.
Art Team Monthly Meeting The Art Team is a space for creatives to come together and make art for the climate movement. We meet every first Thursday of the month from 5:30 – 6:30pm. RSVP HERE to get the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIoce-spjkpHdRRVk5ieksKzcucvkx0bm0_ We hope to see you there!
Join us on Zoom for the monthly 350 East Bay Meeting Our goal is to maximize climate action in the East Bay, working for a just transition to a clean energy economy here and beyond. New to 350 East Bay?  We have an ORIENTATION from 10-10:30 am: If this is your first meeting join us …
Transportation Monthly Meeting Transportation is the Bay Area’s biggest single source of greenhouse gas emissions – and emissions are expected to increase again as travel increases and transit ridership remains low. Localities, even those that have declared a climate emergency, are not meeting their climate goals. Join us to work on electrifying transportation, supporting charging …